All You Need is Love

Kookies with Kathy consisted of an overly complicated recipe and lots of almond extract. Luckily what was lacking in flavor and aesthetic was made up for with lots of laughs and Shake Shack.

So much potential, look at our pretty dough:

After much discussion and deliberation, we wound up with a double rainbow. Amazing!

I’m not even going to post what we were trying to make and just let readers assume we fully intended on making rainbow cookies that looked kind of like a member of The Beatles.

Ashamed of our abysmal failure, I went to the office early, discreetly left the cookies in the kitchen and quickly ran off before anyone saw who had left the disgusting, cardboard flavored treats. When I checked back a few hours later the entire bag had disappeared. I want to believe they got eaten, but deep down inside I think someone just threw them away.


One thought on “All You Need is Love

  1. kathy says:

    double rainbowwwwwwwwww

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